Be unafraid and ready to take on your future
At Steam, we know how challenging career change and disruption is for people. As a leader in our field of career management, our goal is always to empower people so they have the confidence and the skills to activate their career, take control, no matter the environment of the day.
Our Approach
At Steam, we believe the future is all about creating success and at the centre of success is people. Why? Because brands and technology do not make decisions – people do. It is people who drive innovation, people who create success and execute strategy and it is people who build profitable, productive businesses with meaningful legacies.
Experience Matters
We are leaders in the disciplines of career management, talent acquisition and outplacement services with a distinct specialisation in career transition, advancement and strategy. We are pioneers, transforming and revolutionising out-dated and obsolete recruitment and talent management methodologies, practices and processes.
Our Mission
Our mission is to prepare and develop people for their career so that they are motivated, purpose-led, values-driven and ready for career change – empowered and unafraid to take on the challenges of the future.
Meet the team
Libby Marshall
Founder & CEO
In December 2017, Libby launched Steam Capital to transform the way people prepare for their careers and revolutionise the way employers attract, engage and identify talent. She proposes the future of work is all about people taking control of their career trajectory, adapting to opportunity and empowered to create their own success with intent and purpose.
When developing the capability and capacity of people, Libby brings a depth and breadth of knowledge highly valued by business, industry and candidates alike. Her expertise uncovering individual career pathways, as well as creating organisational talent acquisition and management strategies, provides a unique combination. She holds a strong track record identifying emerging employment trends and business needs and has earned a highly regarded international reputation for connecting people to business and business to people.
Caroline Reis
Partnerships Manager
Caroline is an experienced relationship development professional who has worked in fields including virtual marketing, not-for-profit and healthcare. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from the University of Washington. She is passionate about optimizing relationships in order to elevate the success of individuals, communities and organizations. As the Partnerships Manager at STEAM Capital, Caroline engages strategically with graduate schools, universities and students to enhance their potential to positively impact the world in which we live.
”Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
- Albert Einstein